604-614-8121 | helper.jason@gmail.com

Links of Interest

Vancouver Crisis Centre

24/7 Crisis counselling phone service

Crisis line: 604-872-3311

Toll Free 1-866-661-3311

Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)


S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Education & Research)

Also provides psycho-educational sessions to people concerned about suicide in a significant other. Anyone bereaved by a suicide death who can attend the office may access one-on-one counselling and a structured support group.

Phone: 604-879-9251

GLBTQ Resources

HIM Peer Support connects you with another gay guy to talk to, someone personable, someone who is a great listener. No professional opinions, no clinical diagnoses, no judgments. It sounds so simple, but it can make a world of difference for you. Entirely confidential and available for free.

HIM Professional Counselling connects you with a gay guy who has a professional counselling, psychology, or related credential and with whom you can securely explore, through talk, whatever is troubling your psychological well-being. Some analysis, some guidance, but no judgments. Affirmative and only pay by donation™.

HIM Personal Strategic Advising connects you with a gay guy who can help you sort out how to reach some of your identified goals and be supportive as you move further along that path. With help in moving toward your goals, that is at least one stress reduced in your otherwise fabulous life. Six sessions available for free.

310-1033 Davie St. Vancouver BC, V6E 1M7 

604 488 1001


The Prideline BC – QMUNITY’s peer support/information/referral phone line

Provide the following services: Gab Youth, Generations, Education/Outreach, Prideline Information and Referral line, Anti-Violence resources, Coming Out and Social Support Groups, Free Counselling, Meeting Spaces and an Out on the Shelves Library.

Open: weeknights (Mon to Fri) from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.Vancouver/ Lower Mainland

604 684-6869

1 800 566-1170 (toll-free) in BCQmunity BC’s LGBT Adult & Youth Resource Centre


Physical Health

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter

Offering 24 hour support over the phone and face to face peer counselling. This organization is a member of the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centers.

Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)

Rape Crisis Line 24 hrs/day

Lower mainland – 604-255-6344

Toll-free – 1-877-392-7583


B.C. Persons with AIDS Society

The British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA) is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV disease and AIDS through mutual support and collective action. BCPWA is Western Canada’s largest AIDS organization.

BC NurseLine – 24 hours a day

Puts you in touch with an RN who will answer your medical questions about symptoms, medications, health concerns, and health resources.

Pharmacist available 5pm-9am Mon- Fri. Available in over 130 languages.

Toll free in BC:1-866-215- 4700 or Vancouver: 604- 215-4700


Dial -A- Dietician

Provides quality, reliable nutrition services and resource information to British Columbians in 130 languages

Toll free in BC: 1-800-667- 3438 or Vancouver 604-732- 9191

Hours of operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00 pm


BC Health Guide

A variety of web-based info, including the health guide online. Search topic areas include: healthy living, family child and youth health, women’s health, men’s health, senior’s health, aboriginal health, multicultural health, community supports, health tools, Ministry of Health, BC Health Authority, BC Centre for Disease Control



Addictions Treatment

Pacifica Treatment Centre

Provides three levels of in-patient substance addiction treatment: Level I Stabilization, Level II Intensive Therapy, Level III Transition & Re-entry. The co-ed facility aims to promote health and recovery from addiction through treatment, education and support that strengthens individuals, families and communities.

Phone: 604-872-5517


Central Access – Detox Referral Line

Links people to detox and addiction housing services. Adults who require detoxification receive immediate screening by health care workers, who set up appointment times with the provider that most suits a client’s needs. Will accept methadone-using clients wanting to withdraw from other substances.

Toll Free 1-866-658-1221

Mental Health

The Red Book Online

This excellent resource for the Lower Mainland is now accessible online!

B.C. Bereavement Helpline

A primary service is the helpline which is free and is confidential. The HelpLine has assisted well over 25,000 callers with immediate telephone support assisting bereaved individuals in finding a bereavement support group in their community which best suits their needs.

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), BC Division

Promotes mental health awareness and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. They provide information resources, educational events, direct services, and research and advocacy.

Phone: 604-688-3234


Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia

Provides support and education for those struggling with mood disorders and their families. In addition MDABC provides a rapid mental health assessment walk-in clinic (doctors referral needed) for individuals requiring needing quick access to psychiatric assessment services. Follow up is offered in the form of psycho-educational groups facilitated by doctors.

Phone 604-873-0103


Men’s Services

BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

The BCSMSSA is a non-profit society established to provide therapeutic services for males who have been sexually abused at some time in their lives.

Phone: 604-682-6482


Sexual Health

Options for Sexual Health

Non-profit provider of sexual health services through clinics, advocacy, education programs, and the 1-800 SEX SENSE information and referral line.

Phone: 604-731-4252


Sexual Health Rehabilitation Service

An opportunity for individuals with a physical disability and their partners or families to express their concerns about sexual health as well as to receive information.

4255 Laurel Street (GF Strong Rehab Centre), Vancouver




A Canadian website that offers sexual advice for teens, parents, teachers, and health care professionals.


Debt Management/Credit Counselling

Credit Counselling Society

Providing Free Credit Counselling, Budgeting Help and Planning for Debt Repayment.

Phone: 1-888-527-8999


Chronic Conditions

Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic Condition Course – Free

Free 6 week courses on various chronic pain conditions – Offered though the Centre on Aging, UVIC, funded through BC Ministry of Health. Offered at various cities throughout the province – Course teaches skills such as: developing a suitable exercise program, cognitive symptom management, nutrition management, use of medications, breathing exercises, problem solving, communicating with family, friends and health care providers, dealing with emotions such as anger and depression.

Karen Hannah, Program Coordinator

1-866-902-3767 or khannah@dccnet.com


St. Paul’s Pain Center Vancouver

Services Provided: Provides multidisciplinary assessment, consultation, and treatment.Staff including Psychologist, Physicians, Anesthetists, Nurse Clinicians, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists

Requirements: Referral by GP or Specialist required.


Phone Number:604.682.2344 ext 63276

Caregiver Relief / Respite

Respite care can give the caregiver temporary relief from the emotional and physical demands of caring for a friend or family member. Respite may take form of service in client’s home, or client maybe admitted on a short-term basis to a residential care facility, hospice or other community care setting.


New Immigrant Resources


Multiple locations across BC. A non-profit service agency, which serves diverse communities in BC and strives to encourage Canadians and immigrants to overcome language and cultural barriers, achieve self-reliance, and contribute fully to Canadian society.

28 Pender Street, Vancouver, BC



Mosaic Interpretation and Translation Services

A multilingual non-profit organization dedicated to addressing issues that affect immigrants and refugees in their settlement and integration into Canadian society .

1720 Grant Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC

