All Services
services. rates. service terms. diversity & ethics.
March 2022 - In-person / in-office service delivery is now available in addition to existing virtual services
Monday: not available
Tuesday: 11am - 8pm
Wednesday: 11am - 8pm
Thursday: 11am - 8pm
Friday: 11am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: not available
- Emotional intelligence training
- Depression & Anxiety management
- Compassionate / encouraging engagement
- Empowerment training
- Awareness building
- Emotional Intelligence
- Encouragement work
- Intimacy / Erectile Dysfunction
- Soul work
- Mindfulness work
- Boundaries work
- Sex, sexuality
- Social engagement and safety
- Men’s sexual health
- Masculine identity
- Locating authenticity & the essential self
- Compulsive technology use
- General life issues
- Grief & loss
- Values, ideals, beliefs, expectations, perfectionism
- Trauma survival / adjustment
- Family of origin work
- Anger and defensiveness work
- Addictions
- Body image, Body Dysmorphia, and self-esteem work
- Disordered Eating
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Budget / Financial coaching
- Will / Estate consulting
- Procrastination work
- Life direction / Goal setting
- Clinical / student supervision
- Academic advising Procrastination work
> Exploration of educational path & local institutions
- Couples mediation
- Divorce Planning & Separation Counselling
- Couples counselling
- Work place conduct & interaction
- Small business advising
- Leadership training
- Career assessments (Myers - Briggs & Strong Interest Inventory)
- Career coaching / job readiness / resumes
- Career path
Individual Psychotherapy
$165 per 60 minute
$200 per 90 minute
Couples Therapy
$180 per 60 minute
$220 per 90 minute
$450.00 – 3.0 hour couples intensive – *Limited availability
Career Assessment & Counselling
(includes one session and four career assessments)
*Psychotherapy / Couples counselling / individual counselling are GST exempt
Case by Case
Case-by-Case Rates
Individual & couple sliding scale for eligible persons
the elderly
the underemployed
the unemployed
compassionate rational
The Fine Print
*Psychotherapy / Couples counselling / individual counselling are GST exempt
During intake (first session / assessment) sliding scale and concession rates eligibility is determined.
The session fees are payable at the start of the session unless specific alternatives have been arranged. There is no sliding scale consideration for intake or termination sessions. Regular sessions are sometimes given at reduced rates at the discretion of Lehmann Counselling Service. Payment can be made with e-transfer, credit card, personal cheque (Payable to: Jason Lehmann), or in cash.
Receipts are issued at your request.
Frequently Asked Questions
“how many sessions do i need?”
Answer: Length of Therapy is guided by the presenting problem, the mental and financial resources of the client, and in-therapy evaluations of progress. It is not uncommon to have life changing results after eight to twelve sessions. In some cases behaviour change can occur with as few as four sessions and in more complex cases, therapy can last several months.
The standard fee per counselling session is $165.00 and is payable at the start of the session unless specific alternatives have been arranged. There is no sliding scale consideration for intake or termination sessions. Regular sessions are sometimes given at reduced rates at the discretion of Lehmann Counselling Service. Payment can be made with e-transfer, credit card, personal cheque (Payable to: Jason Lehmann), or in cash. Receipts are issued at your request.
You are welcome to choose between virtual attendance (telephone/ via computer/ or in-person, or a hybrid of these service delivery methods.
*At scheduling clients are given a choice, and the opportunity to specify their preferences.
* Each person/ case is unique thus Lehmann Counselling can deny the requested method based on its clinical appropriateness.
My cancellation policy is 24-hour notice either via email, text, or phone. Failure to cancel or failure to arrive for a booked appointment will result in a cancellation fee of $75.00 for the missed session or late cancelation
In the event of therapist illness, vacation, or cancellation you will be informed with reasonable notice and given mental health alternatives at that time.

My awareness of diversity issues is part of the ongoing self-reflexivity required for professional practice. Awareness of my own counter transference around diversity issues is in my mind an essential first step to working with any client. As a second step, requires positioning the client in the context of: Spirituality, immigrant status, culture, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, education, sexual orientation, physical / mental or physical ability, and gender.
My process includes the following questions:
1. How does the individual in context affect the client’s access to systems, and how does that differ from my experience?
2. What social / cultural help or hindrances exist for the client as a result of their context?
3. What is the individual’s intra-psychic experience within their context(s)?
4. What is my familiarity, personal views, social responsibility, and competency within their context(s)?”
5. What language is offensive / “othering” to this client?
“what are the ethical standards and principles that guide Jason’s practice?”
Respect for the Dignity of All Persons and Peoples
Responsible Caring
Integrity in Relationships
Responsibility to Society
Source: BC Association of Clinical Counsellors – code of ethical conduct